Welcome to the 3 Cs- a linear approach to healing through meditation, journalling and spirituality.

The 3 Cs came to me after spending a lot of time meditating and journalling on what the collective needed. 

My journey with spirituality has always been one that I have tried to approach in a linear way, like building a house. First, you need a solid foundation, and then you need the walls and insulation. Once the basic stuff is all done, you get to do the fun stuff; paint colours, decorations etc. Whilst it sounds a bit strange to be linking spirituality to house building, I truly believe healing can be approached in a linear way. 

Thus came the 3 Cs. 
Check in. Challenge. Change. 

The first four months are spent ‘checking in‘ with yourself and meeting yourself where you are at. This is done through four meditations, a journal prompt PDF, and the use of an amethyst crystal. 

The next four months are about taking on a ‘challenge’– as in, challenging ourselves to move through/past/over blocks we identified in the first four months. ‘Challenge’ is a push through where we were, pushing ourselves out of our comfort zone with meditations, journalling and a smoky quartz for grounding and transmuting negativity into positivity. 

The final four months are about ‘change’– embracing it and growing into it. From what you’ve learnt about yourself those last eight months, you can then change what you need to in order to serve and fulfil your highest purpose. These meditations and journal prompts will focus on embracing that positive change, and we will use citrine for strength and positivity. 

Each cycle includes four meditations, a journal prompt PDF, as well as the crystal to use during those four months. It also entitles you to a 10% discount off of all reiki sessions (distance or in-person), spiritual life coaching and workshops (online or in-person). You also get an audio download of the meditation emailed at the end of each month. All of this for the low price of £25. 

A lot of people ask me why it is so inexpensive, and it’s because I want healing to be accessible for everyone. I want people to be able to heal their own lives the way I did mine, and that’s why the 3 Cs are so important to me. I’m so proud of how this creation is already helping others. 

Each cycle is available in-person at Live Well Gym Bungay, online via Zoom and you are sent the audio meditation via email by the end of the month, so there is categorically no way to miss out on the journey each month. 

Once the cycle has ended, it is available for purchase via my website. This is the meditations and eWorkBook only- no crystal, no discounted services. However, if you missed registration, it’s a great way to start the cycle on your own and catch up before the next one starts.

Check In, the first cycle, is now available via my shop, you can click here to purchase it

Challenge, the second cycle, is also now available for purchase by clicking here. If you’re looking for some shadow work and going deeper, this cycle is great as a stand alone too. 

Registration for Change is now closed, and it will be uploaded for purchase in December.